Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Long intervals of horrible sanity.

As of recently, I have been extremely interested in jewelry making (Pictures of a few things thus far). I have been searching for new colleges that offer a metal smithing major. I have an interview at Smith College coming up soon and I'm insanely excited. I can't wait to transfer and I can't think of a better atmosphere and environment than North Hampton (does not belong in MA).

I tend to spend long intervals of time alone at home, I don't think this is healthy for one's psyche. The weather channel and I have not been on good terms lately. According to them tomorrow is supposed to be in the high 80's, hopefully they are not lying.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chaos and Distortion. Midnight coffee breaks.

Lately my life has consisted of work (at the college) and tedious editing of 719 pictures from the wedding I photographed on Saturday (See pictures above).

Late night dates with Swayze. Slam poetry. Kundera Obsessions. Endless internet browsing.Yoga
The constant down pour has severely limited my daily activities. When the sun finally decides to grace us with it's presence an adventure of some sort is greatly needed.

" We’ve all been urged to say something, to speak something dynamic into existence. To spit raw emotion from deep within our chests and off the tip of our tongues. We’ve all been impelled by this natural and ardent force… only to find that perhaps at that moment in time and space, the words were not with us. We lacked distinct articulation and rhythm of wit over diction. Later we find ourselves replaying that moment again and again in our minds." Anis Mojgani

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Constant rain falls, Blank white spaces, all sanity lost.

Coffee. Bags under eyes. Late night. Hospital visit. Dying to Travel.
I'm running on four-hours of sleep and the loss of sanity due to this inclement weather is keeping me awake. I've listened to "On your Porch" for the past hour due to my (extreme) laziness and I now know the lyrics verbatim (Not by Choice). All technology is giving me a abominable headache at this point. More optimism and photographs of work will be added later on.
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